3 essential triggers that will allow you to achieve your body transformation goals
There are some people in this world who are born with amazing genetics that gives them an amazing physique. Sometimes those people only need to do little or no training to achieve their physical goals. However, the majority of people need to adhere to a strategy that will allow them to achieve their transformation goals. If you ask most men, they want to have a body like Captain America, but they aren’t prepared to put in the work to get the body that they desire. Little Bloke Fitness know that having access to the right exercise equipment is an important factor, however there are other factors that will guarantee that you will achieve your body transformation goals.
One of the reasons most guys don’t achieve their body transformation goals is that they want to see the results straightaway. In reality, building muscle and trimming body fat will take months or even years to develop to the point where you will have the perfect physique. For example, if you are 180cm in height and 60kg, you will need to bulk to 85-90kg in order to get a muscular body. Most guys that are bulking will be able to gain around 1kg of muscle per month. In this case, it would mean you would gain 12kg per year and to achieve your ideal bulk size, it would take you 3 years to get the size that you want. On the flip side, people that want to reduce their body fat need to have a similar approach. If you have 30% body fat and you want to be ripped at 8% body fat, you won’t be able to achieve that goal in a week. However, you can follow a body fat burning program that will allow you to reduce your body fat over time by doing high-intensity workouts and maintaining a calorie deficit over an extended period of time.
There are going to be days when you don’t feel like exercising, but you need to dig deep and commit to your goals. When the going gets tough, you need to focus on the motivators that will keep you focused on achieving your transformation goals. Write it on a piece of paper and keep it in front of you at all times. Also keep a miniature snippet of your goals in your wallet. Whenever you feel yourself wavering, read your goals again and commit to taking action. Don’t give yourself excuses. Commit to getting results!
You might have all the right factors going for you in terms of working hard and eating the right diet, but if you are exercising with the wrong technique, you aren’t going to achieve your body transformation goals. It’s important that you learn how muscle growth and development works and that you apply the right exercise techniques that will allow you to build muscle size and definition quickly. For example, using free weights such as dumbbells and Olympic bars to perform compound exercise movements. Or using gym machines to isolate the muscle. If you want to be that guy who has the body of a magazine cover model, you can do it by adhering to these factors. So what are you waiting for? Take action today and share your progress in the comments below.